Tuesday, December 18, 2012

My Visions

Dec 12.

I saw spirals floating in space, they were small and seemed to be floating in different directions rather aimlessly. As I floated past these spirals there would be color bursts. There was a burst of blue, one of orange, a deep red-purple, and a slash of red. The red slash was shocking and made me flinch. I continued floating and saw a yellow flash another blue flash then a huge brilliant white flash of light. Then I saw the mandala. My best description of it was that it was circular. It reminded me of a chrysanthemum because of the way it was designed. I have drawn a picture of the center of it with  only four of the layers. I have drawn it to the best of my ability using a compass. I tried several attempts and I will add pictures to this. My first attempts put min in mind of the nucleus of an atom. It wasn’t the look that I distinctly remembered so I continued. After several days I produced my final drawing which I will add. Continue on after the pictures as there is more to read.

December 18, 2012

Today as I journey in the space I saw small bits of color, like a spattering of dots, first there were red dots, everywhere, so many then there were blue ones mixed in, finally more blue than red. I searched for the spirals, but found only a few. Suddenly there was a huge spiral. I saw it several times each time it had grown larger. I continued to look for the small spirals wondering where they had gone. Then the huge spiral was there again! I knew then that all the spirals had joined to make the huge one and that it was a all the spirals woven together!

Saturday, December 15, 2012

The Devastation of Loss/The Need For Change

I heard the news yesterday about the school shooting and as a mother, grandmother and teacher it has made my heart and soul ache. I have lost love ones in my life but none have been to tragedy and while the pain was immense it cannot begin to touch the pain that these parents must feel at the loss of their children. That would be a parent's worst moment. I know they are grief stricken, angry, and stunned. We whom have not lost a child cannot begin to understand how they feel.

I have beautiful daughters, three beautiful grandchildren and every school day I look at the faces of fifty-four beautiful children in my three classes. I am so fortunate to know each and every one of these children. I am so blessed to be able to be a part of their lives, so glad that my own chose me as their mother. I would be crushed if something happened to any of them.

I have encountered children whom have lost a parent or another loved one to violent acts. I have encountered children whose parent has committed the violent act and is in prison. There are children with divorced parents, parents that want no part of their lives, and children afraid to go home for fear of their home being shot up. These children hurt. The pain is great in their hearts and they act out because they do not know how to handle it. We adults need to pay attention to our children. We need to talk with them, hold them, notice changes in them before they are lost. We also need to do that for our co-workers, friends, acquaintances and family so that they can get help before it is too late.

Wouldn't it be AMAZING if we could begin to change all of this?

As a nation, I know we feel outraged, angry and we demand that action be taken for what happened in Connecticut. People will want answers and demand them and they should. People will want to take things into their own hands and they shouldn't. We need to pray for the families who lost children, who lost loved ones. We need to collectively work on change. Prayer and mediation are where we need to begin.

Humanity needs to become humane. Not just some of us, but all of us. Not just the rich, but also the poor and the middle class. We need to quit focusing on violence, hatred and fear of each other. Show respect. Show love. Harm none. We need to understand that we are all ONE. We are humanity, we are one race, one collective body, one with Earth, One with our Creator and capable of making great changes.  We must change and change now for if we do not we will eventually destroy ourselves and our planet. We cannot and should not let that happen. We are powerful beings, capable of making intelligent, important decisions and so very,very capable of love.

Feel love for one another instead of fear and join together to make better communities. Race and religion are boundaries created by humans. If we created these boundaries we can undo them. Our Creator made differences in people, not to create fear but to teach us to come together and experience one another. When you really think about it, deep down we are not different inside. We love, we think and we have needs in order to survive.


"Be the Change you wish to see." ~ Mahatma Gandhi

Monday, December 10, 2012

Today's Meditation

Today my meditation was a praise to the Creator of all. I am thankful for life and love. I am thankful for our wonderous world and all the people in my life.  I am thankful for my purpose and all life's blessings for these things are most important. I am blessed. I understand that my purpose is set and that I will fulfill it. I am at peace, I am happy and content. All people have the opportunity to feel and understand these things, we simply have to take the time look inside ourselves.

I thanked my mother for being my mother and told her I understand her more now than ever before. She was the best mother for me and for that I am so grateful. She built my inner strength.

"I reach to the light, both inside me and above. I get my strength from this, just as the tiny tree gets strength from the sun in the depths of the forest."

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Long ago...Excerpt 1

In early summer, in the sparsely populated new country, a small village of five families existed. Janie, a happy little girl was one of the in habitants. Tall, slender, with honey blond hair and hazel eyes, she was quite strong for her build at the age of seven. She adored her parents, especially her father, Samuel and trailed along behind him helping him as he did the chores.

Three of the five homes faced the other two which faced the river that flowed past the village. There was an open common area separating the homes and a barn and pens for the farm animals and the end of the common area. Janie’s family lived closest to the woods and their cabin faced the river. The homes were made of logs and had no windows because getting glass this far west was near impossible by wagon. All of the families were quite large except Janie’s. She was the oldest child of only two because after her little sister was born her mother became barren and they were no more babies. Her sister, Hope, was just a toddler and spent the days near her mother by the cabin.

 Robert was Janie’s best friend and lived in the house across the common area from her. Robert, a young man with blond hair and striking blue eyes, was four years older than Janie. She and Robert had shared all their secrets and dreams of leaving the village someday. Janie’s mother Gwendolyn, having once been a teacher, was teaching both of them to read and write when she had time so they had learned of faraway places.

 One day after Janie’s seventh birthday Robert and Janie sat on a large boulder that was in the common area. Chickens and chicks were scattered over the common area pecking at the ground for food and Janie had been watching them intently as she tried to think of something to do. Janie suddenly jumped off the boulder, ran to the cabin grabbed a basket and headed toward the woods to get to the creek.

 Robert followed her and they only caught about thirty crayfish because they spent more time splashing water on each other like the kids that they were. When they thought they had enough they walked back to the village. Along the way Janie picked the pinks for her momma to put in her beautiful glass vase that had been her grandma’s and Robert and Janie talked about his new friend he called Runs-Like-a-Deer.

Later that day a group of men claiming to be French Traders came to the village. The families of the village were quite generous, feeding the traders and offering them places to sleep clueless to what was going to happen the next morning.
Very early the next morning as the sky lightened before sunrise, Janie's father sent her into the woods before breakfast to get morels for the eggs her mother was going to fix. Janie wondered why she was going to get the mushrooms for eggs since they never ate them that way, but she was an obedient child and knew better than to question her father.

 She skipped down the half-mile long dimly lit path through the forest happily with the empty basket. The little girl in her was side tracked by the sights and sounds in the woods along her way. She listened to a woodpecker drumming on a tree and searched the trees to see if she could spot it. She caught a glimpse of it flying and smiled before starting on her way. She finally started looking for the morels about a quarter-mile down the path. Suddenly she heard screams and gunshots in the distance coming from the direction of her village. Then she smelled smoke, which was much stronger than the fires in the hearths. Janie dropped the basket running back up the path toward the village. Once she was close she crouched down peering cautiously between trees and shrubs at her home. The houses were burning, thick black smoke rolled up toward the sky. She saw the bleeding bodies of several people, including her parents and baby sister in the common area. She saw one of the traders run after Robert who was running toward her. The man knocked Robert down and used his knife to scalp him. Janie was horrified beyond belief when the man then repeatedly plunged the knife into the Robert's body. She opened her mouth to scream.

A hand clasped tightly over her mouth, someone picked her up and dragged her away from the path deep into the forest. Janie struggled bravely at first and finally gave up figuring that her rescuer was not going to hurt her. Thirty minutes from the path she was set down and a deeply tanned face with beautiful dark eyes stared into hers shushing her before uncovering her mouth. The young man was only about fifteen and was dressed only in a loincloth, leggings and moccasins his chest was bare showing him to be lean and muscular. His long hair was braided into to waist long braids and his smile showed beautiful white teeth. He spoke to her softly although she had no idea what he had said and he motioned for her to come. Janie's tears streamed down her cheeks as she nodded and followed him. She knew what had happened to her parents and friends and knew there was no going back.

Thursday, December 6, 2012


Be Positive

Be positive and your day will be better. Be content. All things happen for a reason. Sometimes those reasons are beyond our immediate understanding and we feel let down, lost and broken. I have realized much about the events that have come to pass in my own life. I lost 3 very special people in the span of nine years. I felt like an orphan, lost and unconnected to anyone. Since then, I have discovered that it was what I needed to continue my soul's growth and to reconnect me with our creator. I know that my loved ones watch over me and they continue to be treasured in my heart. I am thankful that they participated in my life and that they helped mould me into the person that I am. I am now embarking on a most exciting part of my life where I am learning more about the me I have kept hidden and protected from others. My family grows with loving and special people and I am excited for them. All is as it should be.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Her Space

The forest path was narrow and worn. The canopy was thick giving an intense greenish cast to the ground below. Ferns, mosses and other small plants grew amongst the trees and along the path. She traveled the path often and always veered off to the right before climbing the set of steps. At the veer in the path there was always a large black bear nearby. The bear always stopped to watch her but never tried to harm her. The big thick stone block steps were gray limestone and slightly worn. There were seven steps that led up to a small stone landing with a door. On either side of the door was the forest, looking the same as one would expect if the door wasn’t even there. The door was heavy with a deep weathered charcoal gray color. The door knob was a rusty oval.  In spite of the aged look of the door it always swung open and closed easily for her.

Once inside she would continue on a path that ran uphill a distance with a gentle slope. The trees seemed to allow more light through their leaves just inside the door. There was a river just to her left that produced gentle bubbling sounds as it worked its way downhill. As she neared the top of the hill the forest thinned and opened up to a beautiful meadow. Her face felt warmed by the kiss of sunshine. She gazed up at the magnificent blue sky that was blessed with a dabbling of fluffy white clouds. Sunlight always shone down upon the meadow brightly but was never too hot. The river had spread out and appeared to not be moving at all. The surface of the water mirrored the trees and purple mountains in the distance on the other side. Colorful ducks swam lazily near the bank cutting v-shaped wakes that glittered like diamonds in the serene waters. She turned toward the meadow full of cheery flowers displaying a wide variety of yellows, oranges, pinks, whites, purples and blues. She loved the explosion of colors impressed by how vibrant her favorite flowers seemed on this side of the door. She admired them and smelled them but she never picked them because she couldn’t bear to hurt them. She traveled down the dirt path to a very large gnarly oak tree. Some days she would be greeted by animals as she walked the path. Often those were animals that had been near and dear to her heart. Sometimes they were wild animals that greeted her, but they never scared her and they always spoke.

In the distance beyond the tree there was more forest, but pine this time, covering the foothills and mountains in the distance. She would arrive at the tree that provided a cool green shade most of the day. Here under the oak’s umbrella she would sit and wait. Some days loved ones would visit her. They would talk and often she cried because she had missed them so. On other days, people that she had no recollection of before coming here, would visit with her. They would answer her questions and advise her. They were always kind, gentle and calming. Once in a while she would just sit here and soak up everything that she could see, hear and smell.

Some visits were longer than others, but inevitably she would always have to go back through the door. She always saw bear at the bottom of the stairs waiting, guarding her path and she thanked him. Her cheeks would often be damp with tears as she left, not because she was sad but rather her heart was filled with love and her mind with new information. She always felt stronger and more empowered after being on the other side of the door.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Page views

If you view my page please feel free to comment. I am curious what others think.

Monday, November 19, 2012

A Distant Memory

The ride through the forest was peaceful and relaxing and she barely took notice that he was riding behind her. The sunlight barely filtered through the leaves of the canopy creating a cool green cast on the fern covered forest floor. She took in a deep breath and released it slowly allowing the feeling of peace and contentment that she found here nourish her soul. The sound of the horses' hooves and occasional snuffling was all there was to be heard other than the songs of birds. They rode for several hours as her mind and soul fed on the peace and tranquility of the forest. Finally, the trees thinned out opening up to a clearing, where she passed the remains of a charred cabin and the still standing stone chimney. These were remains of another lifetime for her and other people she had once loved.

The sun shone brilliantly in the sky that was speckled with a few fluffy white clouds. She looked down at the thick, tall grass of the clearing and did not glance toward the chimney for it would bring the tears that she was not willing to contend with on this beautiful day. She continued until she neared the river's edge where she dismounted and led her horse to the water so it could drink. She stood beside the horse and stared out across the width of the river. The trees were reflected in the smooth water on the far side of the river leaving their greenish cast upon the surface. Its glassy surface was flat, silken and reflective. A few ducks swimming broke the surface near the bank leaving their little v-shaped trails that sparkled like diamonds in the bright sunlight. She smiled as she watched the ducks for they reminded her of her little sister who had loved them so much. He had dismounted silently and stood behind her not wanting to interrupt her solitude. He would be there, if and when she needed him.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

From my heart...

I watch our world headed for destruction if things do not change. We are racing toward the edge of the cliff and either the human race is not aware or enough of us simply do not care. We pollute the air with appromiately 23,000 pounds of carbon annually used to run our homes. We pollute our water making about 43% of rivers and lakes are polluted. We pollute the very ground we grow our food from and pollute the minds of our children. We cut trees at a rate of 77,381 square miles per year, burn fossil fuels like they are a never ending resource and humans are overpopulating our earth as we losing species of plants and animals due to extinction. Our home is out of balance.

You say it is the survival of the fittest, I say we are like a stampede heading for the cliff. We are on the brink of causing our own exticntion.

But on to my major concern which is our children! They are our future and yet we are robbing them of theirs. Parents have forgotten that children need rules and guidance. They have forgotten that they need protected from the ugliness and hate in our world. They forget to teach the children to love, to be kind and to treat others with respect. They barely teach them the basics in life and they rarely have conversations with them. So many parents stick their child in front of a TV or video game. Over half of five year olds are not ready for kindergarten. They lack simple language skills because their parent does not interact with them.

Children are like sponges! Their inquisitive little brains are soaking up everything going on around them. They learn what they see and hear. If they see love, respect and are taught manners then that is how they behave. If they see hate, disrespect and lack of self control then that is what they do.

What happened to protecting our children from the obscene? From the perverse? From hate? Have we forgotten what is good? What love is? What kindness is? Have we forgotten we need to be moral and to give our children structure and guidance?

The National Education Goals Panel established its first National Education Goal: “By the year 2000, all children in America will start school ready to learn.”*

This has not happened and cannot happen without parents doing their part! Teachers are expected to bring children who begin kindergarten two years behind to readiness for first grade. While they are doing that they are also expected to teach some of them to dress themselves, tie their shoes, wipe their noses, sometimes potty train them, teach them how to say, "please" and "thank you", how to use scissors and glue, share and take turns, talk, love books, walk in a line, keep their hands and feet to themselves and follow simple one step directions. Teachers then spend years still trying to catch these same students up in other grades.

Sometimes I feel that women who are pregnant should be given a manual on how to be a good parent. Then upon the birth of their child they should be given an manual that tells them the curriculum that they are expected to use and teach their child to prepare the child for school.  This is the only way I can see that we coud possibly insure that ALL five year olds will be ready to start school.

As for fathers, they should be excited and willing to participate in the life of their child and work side by side with the mother to help raise the child. (There are far too many men that are simply sperm donors!)


Tuesday, November 13, 2012


Published: Thursday, Oct. 7 2010 11:06 p.m. MDT
LOGAN — Utah scientists are trying to organize an emergency rescue effort to save the largest living thing ever discovered, anywhere on Earth. It's known as Pando, a single organism living in central Utah, that some scientists say could also be the world's oldest living thing.
But Pando is dying and may have only a few more years of glory.
It's a grove of quaking aspen trees spanning 106 acres near Fish Lake. Scientists call it an aspen clone, which is essentially a single plant comprised of thousands of trees connected by underground roots. When Pando was discovered a few decades ago, scientists named it with a Latin word that means "I spread."
An aspen clone starts with a single seed and spreads by sending out underground sprouts that emerge to become trees. In the 1970s, scientists tentatively mapped Pando's boundaries. More recently, Utah State University geneticist Karen Mock wondered if Pando's reputation as the world's largest known organism was overblown.
"So we set out to either confirm or deny that," she said.
Mock took DNA samples from 209 trees, mostly within that boundary. Her testing verified what was long suspected. "Genetically, in fact, Pando is one enormous clone over 100 acres," Mock said, "probably over 40,000 individual trees."
In all, Pando weighs about 13 million pounds, which makes it by far the most massive organism ever found.
"There may well be some larger clones than Pando out there," Mock said. "But it's the largest organism that's been described" by scientists.
As Pando's fame spread, the U.S. Postal Service honored the Utah curiosity as one of "40 Wonders of America." A postage stamp issued in 2006 may have set some sort of a record for making something very small out of something very big.
But now, Pando is in serious trouble, according to ecologist Paul Rogers of Utah State University.
"I would call it a crisis, yes," Rogers said.
When he visited Pando two years ago, the clone seemed reasonably healthy. But when he went back with a team of forestry experts three weeks ago, he was shocked. "We're looking at a situation," Rogers said, "where the whole clone could crash pretty quickly here, within the next few years."
The bark of Pando's mature trees shows they're dying from drought and beetles. That's typical of aspen stands throughout the West and, by itself, is not especially worrisome. What is more disturbing is that small trees and sprouts have vanished from the area spanned by Pando.
"There was no regeneration and there was no mid-story tree," Rogers said. "So if you might think of those as the young ones and the juveniles, there's no young ones to replace those dying trees. So this set off alarm bells."
Rogers said there is an overabundance of deer and elk in the area, and he believes the wildlife is feeding on the young sprouts. He also said a small amount of livestock grazing in the area is playing a minor role.
Rogers wants to fence out the deer and elk. A small portion of Pando, less than 10 percent, is already fenced and is thriving and regenerating.
Some government agencies are looking into the emergency fencing proposal, but that strategy is sure to be controversial. Fences would have to be quite high to be effective in holding out deer. At least one rancher also has grazing rights in the area. Another complication is that recreationists may have concerns about a high fence in such a scenic area. A U.S. Forest Service campground adjacent to Fish Lake is actually within Pando's biological boundaries.
If Pando does die out, or becomes sharply reduced in size, it would be particularly poignant because of the clone's presumed age. Pando is conceivably the oldest living thing ever studied. A recent study pegging Pando's age at 80,000 years led to media coverage in Europe. But other scientists are skeptical because there's no reliable way to determine the age of an aspen clone.
"People's estimates go from, you know, perhaps, low-thousands, up to even a million years old," Mock said. "Nobody really knows, and we don't have a very good way of asking that at this point, unfortunately."
Rogers believes that if nothing is done, Pando may shrink to become an ordinary, unspectacular remnant of its former glory.
"So we really need to hold on to this international treasure," Rogers said. "But it's slipping away very quickly."

Monday, November 12, 2012

Pain and Forgiveness

The pain of the heart hurts the worst. To hold and harbor your anguish is destructive to your soul. Our Creator does not want this for us. The Creator wants each and every one of us to be with him. I say him, because I have no word for the divine essence that is our Creator.

I cannot truly say I have been in pain physically but a few times in my life, in fact I think I could count them on both hands. My physical pain has been some migraines, a few minor broken bones, stomach problems, childbirth and some major surgery. It has all been minor and yet I tend to forget that kink of pain. Yet, like most people what I remember most, is the pain that others inflict upon me with their negative comments, criticism, breaking of trust, name calling and the lack of respect of for me as another human.

The wounds to the heart are where we struggle to be free from the most as human beings. The hurt we feel when someone makes fun of us, telling us that we are ugly or less than perfect in their eyes is held onto like a battle scar that cannot be healed. The pain we feel from a break in our trust may be the worst we will ever feel. Once someone hurts our hearts we find it nearly impossible to forgive. We hang onto all the pain others dish out, believing and dwelling in it as if they were correct. We are letting them defeat us and break us down. They are putting out our light. There are some that struggle with this far more than others and some that we, with our small minds will call defeated.

But they are wrong! They only thing we are doing when accepting the hurtful words of others is drifting away from our true selves! We do not have to believe the hurtful judgmental things people say to or about us. We are all caring, loving people when we free ourselves from the pain and guilt that we allow others to put on us. Others only put their pain on us because they themselves feel it, they do not know how to deal with it and be free of their own pain.

Be free of the pain! Forgive those who have caused your soul pain. Forgive yourself for believing them! Know that you are a wonderful and beautiful person, that you are filled with the light and love of our great and wondrous Creator. You are filled with his love and brilliant light all you have to do is believe.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Human's Trash

The trash we human's put in landfills is another step in the destruction of our planet. Not to mention the trash people dump in oceans and sink holes. Ultimately the gases will leak out, the fluids will leach out and into our soil and our ground water. We need to recycle and reuse to reduce our output of trash.

LANDFILLS: Hazardous to the Environment

Landfill liners are just 1/10 of an inch thick.
A quick summary of this article:
"All landfills will eventually fail and leak leachate into ground and surface water. Plastics are not inert. State-of-the-art plastic (HDPE) landfill liners (1/10 inch or 100 mils thick) and plastic pipes allow chemicals and gases to pass through their membranes, become brittle, swell, and breakdown."
Let's see what a landfill is like: most of us never will see or visit one.
How it is supposed to work.

It begins like this.

Next trash is piled in it.


Finally, it is covered with soil.
Isn't that an attractive view for your back yard?
Appetizing??? NO!
Beautiful????  NO!!

This is disgusting and harmful!

Be mindful.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

A Moment in Time...........

Stop, look, listen, smell and just be! You don't know what you are missing.

Monday, November 5, 2012


Love is a powerful healer. It is hard to express verbally what love is for me. I have tried keeping it closed up inside me, but it escapes from me in little bits at a time. There have been times when I actually questioned my ability to love. Do I really or am I just going through the motions?

I discovered the answer. I do love. I love so much that it brings tears to my eyes. I love so much that my heart wants to explode with joy. I love so much and yet I fear for the future of our planet because we humans do not show enough love to one another or to our home. I love the plan God has for us, I love my home (our planet), I love people, and animals.  Yes, I love animals the same as I love people. Animals have souls just like people and while you may think I shouldn't love them, I do. You can look into their eyes and see their soul. When they die the light goes out of their eyes just as when a human dies. I have see both. I love children and wish more children could have happy lives and grow up to be loving happy people.  I love this wonderful intricate planet we live on with all its ecosystems and diversity of life. It is beautiful!

So, exactly what is love? It is the powerful bond that connects us to the Creator. Our Creator loves us and only wants us to love and learn. Our Creator wants us to be love and to shine brightly. We come here to learn this. We are in lives to learn lessons and to learn to love others and love ourselves unconditionally. We do not all choose an easy path. We choose paths that challenge us to overcome the obstacles we have chosen to learn about. The hardest part is learning to love ourselves. I am not talking about conceit. I am talking about learning to accept and love who we really are. We carry a lot of baggage and we have to learn to let go of the bags so we can run, be free and shine.

We are all children of the Creator. The Creator awaits us with great and powerful love, as does all those before us.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Our Amazing Planet!

You may ask, "What am I so amazed by?" Our planet is my answer. My question to you is, "Why are we destroying this planet?" I am selecting some inspiring beautiful pictures to make my point which is this: "Why are we destroying our home?" One of my favorite sayings is from a Native American proverb.
Treat the earth well: it was not given to you by your parents,
it was loaned to you by your children.
We do not inherit the Earth from our Ancestors,
we borrow it from our Children.


Thursday, November 1, 2012

The Magnificence of the Sky

Imagine if you will, a beautiful sunny day. The air is clean, clear and filled with light from the sun. You lie on your back and the sun blesses your skin with warmth. A slight breeze caresses your skin keeping you from overheating. Sparrows chirp and sing for your entertainment as they flit about nearby. You look up the sky is an amazing shade of sapphire that fades as your eyes drift momentarily to the horizon. The blue depths draw you back, beckoning to your soul. You watch a thin, wispy, pure white cloud float across your view. The cloud changes shape and density as it moves across your field of view. You are amazed by the many dimensions of the cloud, the ease by which it floats along carried by the gentle current of air. You hear the call of the red-tailed hawk as he soars across the sky. The air currents lift him higher into the blue and it seems as though he is soaring and is as one with the cloud. Sunlight shines adding a luminescent sheen to his wings making them appear as thin as the veil that separates us from our creator.


Mother Earth and God our Father

I am going to try to explain this. All things are interconnected and woven together. All things and people have a purpose that is divine.

We are two parts, one part human and one part spirit. Spirit comes from God, our father. He watches over us and sends us who we need, when we need them. We have guardians and teachers from heaven and we have those here on earth. We have chosen them to help us.

The other part of us is human, of planet earth. She is our mother in a manner of speaking. Our bodies come from her, made of the atoms and the elements of earth, recyclable back to her. She is not foreign to us and we borrow her bodies in physical form to house our souls.

We have thrown our physical home off balance. Earth is capable of supporting billions of lives but we have scarred her. We take from her, rip up her crust, destroy her plant and animal life. This is not good for her or us. We are affecting her cycles, she is wreaking havoc trying to heal herself. She is trying to restore balance.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Why I am Amazed

Why am I Amazed? It all has to do with the beauty of our planet. When I see nature and enjoy her peace and beauty I feel replenished. I need the time to be outside, to see natural beauty and to hear the birds sing. Our planet and the life here is so intertwined and dependent on each other. Rock, cycle, water cycle, life cycle and food chain are all marvelously designed to the last intricate detail. It is not an accident but a great plan. In our universe there are other places that are home to life. I do not doubt this at all. They may not be near to our solar system but they are out there somewhere learning just as we are.

What I find difficult to accept is that we humans have taken our home for granted. We have spent the last few centuries polluting, and destroying our planet. We have made species become extinct in a few short decades, polluted nearly every water source, filled our lands and oceans with radiation, wiped out tribes of people, filled our air with smog and caused global weather change.

We must stop the direction in which we are heading before our planet becomes barren and lifeless. We must change how we treat each other before we destroy ourselves. We must go within ourselves and seek God and healing. We cannot make it without our creator and healer.