Today I walked a forest path that was cool, green and narrow. Bear was there in the path behind me as I began my journey. It seemed as though it was a gray and misty day. Bamboo was growing tall along the path. As I climbed higher the air thickened with fog obscuring all things to the sides of the path. Yet, I continued on the path with no fears as to what lay to the right or to the left. It was a steep path but I walked easily with no difficulty breathing. Suddenly the fog seemed to fall away and I could see the path continued on for several more yards. I walked to the end of the path that was at the peak of the tallest mountain and waited. Several seconds later the sun rose above the horizon in the distance. Its brilliant gold light shone across the top of the clouds I had walked through. The sky was bathed in rich colors from a brilliant peach, to pink, to lavender, to dusky blue above me. Rays of light bathed me in their warmth and I was at peace. In the distance a bell rang with a deep resonating tone and love poured from my heart to all those on Earth. All was well in my world.
It is a new year! For me it will be a year of more healing, learning and growth. I begin this knowing that it may become difficult at times but love will prevail. I begin with joy in my heart for that is the only way to love.
We are all part of something far greater than we could ever imagine, a love greater than any we have ever experienced. I cannot explain how interconnected all things are in this universe. We are ONE. What we do affects everything and the outcome. I like this following quote because I believe it explains our ONEness with the universe.
"The first peace, which is the most important, is that which comes within the souls of people when they realize their relationship, their oneness with the universe and all its powers, and when they realize that at the center of the universe dwells the Great Spirit, and that this center is really everywhere, it is within each of us." ~ Black Elk
Love is the only way to Peace.