Thursday, September 26, 2013


So much is happening in my life and I am feeling so blessed! I cannot find words to express my love, peace and gratitude to The Creator of all that is. I am One with all that is! The Divine has blessed me. I am learning to see, to feel, to hear and to listen.

Many Blessings to All

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

From My Heart Space

Today I am led to write about my heart space. What is my heart space? This is a place where I go when I meditate and that  I retreat to when necessary.  It is the place I go that I link to my soul and to the Divine Creator of all that is, was and shall be.  It is a most beautiful place filled with profound peace and deep feeling. I confess that I see colors, beautiful colors and the fires of my heart's passion to honor life. I feel a pull on my heart as my mind and my thoughts fade away. Before I complete my transition to total heart space I often ask for guidance and help. I ask for peace and the ability to allow my love to shine to others and I ask for healing for others and myself. While in my heart space I only feel love, there is no fear and there are no worries. The sensation is as if there is a physical connection between my heart and the heart of the Divine. I feel so different when I am there and connected, at peace and so very loved  that I truly want to stay. However, I come back knowing I have a mission here on Earth that I must fulfill. It is a most wonderful thing to be blessed with purpose  and even better when we realize that all of our lives have purpose.

Pray for peace, healing and love.

May you feel peace and pure divine love.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

The Evolution of Animal Spirits

I Found this post on Facebook and I Thought I would Share Here

You can learn many many lessons from the animal kingdom. The animal kingdom has chosen also to embark upon its own evolution within the earth’s realm. They have their own spirit, for they are spirit. The animals can communicate to each other. You can also communicate to the animals through the thought process. If you develop those thought processes and attune them to those of the animal kingdom. The animal kingdom has come to learn the human element of the earth. Also many lessons. The animals will help you to feel compassion to feel love.

They come to this plane of existence knowing full well their destiny. But many of your animal kingdom, are also at this time feeling the vibration of the earth. For they are more in tune with the earths vibration than any human spirit.

And some of your animal kingdom is electing to leave this planet. Be aware, be aware and take notice. For not only the animals of the land. But also the aquatic life will also leave this earth plane. The whales have been persecuted, so have your dolphin.. They sing their songs in lament, and they weep.

But they are loyal, like most animals that you come into contact with; in regard to your, what you call your ‘pets’.

So too the aquatic life is there for a purpose. You do not see, you cannot understand within the limitations of your own human mind at this moment in time the results of what the animal kingdom do. But let me tell you, that when the whale sings and the dolphin cries, they do not just communicate to each other, they create a vibration of sound that seals itself around your earth plane. It is helping to heal the Earth. And once they have done their job, they will elect to leave. Be aware, be aware……..
(Source: Sue Dreamwalker

Artwork by Johnny Palacios Hidalgo


I have made contact with the following recommended people for publishing my first book:
the editor, a cover designer and E publisher!

I am doing the happy dance in my heart!

I received guidance on my next book because I was at a standstill and so I am off to write.

Monday, September 2, 2013

The Rhinoceros Totem

      Spirit led me to draw the rhinoceros totem because of they are on the endangered species list and they are being poached for their horns just as the elephant is being killed for ivory tusks. The horns are poached and sold on the black market for People believing that grinding up the horns and consuming it has therapeutic properties. The horns are made of the same type of protein that makes up hair and fingernails. The rhinoceros is an ancient animal and their lineage can be traced back to the Miocene period (6 mya). The rhinoceros is a powerful animal with a thick skin. The rhino wants us to let what others say bounce off of us instead of letting ourselves be wounded.

     Rhinoceros is a solitary animal and teaches how to be comfortable with in your own self.
The Rhino often gives its totem people insight into their own past lives. People with a Rhino totem have a heightened sense of smell. The sense of smell is symbolic of higher discrimination, spiritual idealism and higher wisdom and Rhino gives all of these to their totem people.
Discriminate and don’t look at appearance only, go beyond and trust your intuition.

Ancient Wisdom        Know thyself Trust your inner wisdom      Discriminate

Rhinoceros facts
  • There are 2 species of African rhino and 1 species of Asian rhino, 1 species of Javan  rhino
  • Rhinos can gallop up to 30 miles per hour
  • Black rhino population down 97.6% since 1960

     Members of the rhinoceros family are characterized by their large size as well as by an herbivorous diet; a thick protective skin, relatively small brains for mammals this size and a large horn. They generally eat leafy material, although they may survive on more fibrous plant matter, if necessary. The two African species of rhinoceros lack teeth at the front of their mouths, relying instead on their powerful premolar and molar teeth to grind up plant food.

     The African rhino is divided into two species, the black rhino and the white rhino. White rhinos mainly live in South Africa, but they have also been reintroduced to Botswana, Namibia, Swaziland, and Zimbabwe. Southern white rhinos have been introduced to Kenya, Zambia, and Cote d’Ivoire. The majority of the black rhino population—98%—is concentrated in four countries: South Africa, Namibia, Zimbabwe, and Kenya. South Africa houses 40% of the total black rhino population. There are some black rhinos in the region spread between Cameroon and Kenya.
     In the wild, the adult black or white rhino has no predators except for humans. Rhinos are hunted and killed for their horns. The major demand for rhino horn is in Asia, where it is used in ornamental carvings and traditional medicine. Rhino horn is touted as a cure for hangovers, cancer, and impotence.  Their horns are not true horns; they are actually made of keratin—the same material that makes up our hair and nails. Truly, rhino horn is as effective at curing cancer as chewing on your fingernails.

   Animal Speak by Ted Andrews