Sunday, December 13, 2015

For Those I Left Behind

I was led to write and given these words.

     Do not grieve for me when you think I have departed this world for I am Home and I am safe. Only the thin veil of illusion separates us. My works of love continue from this place of peace which I have entered. Nothing has actually changed. I love you and always will. I dwell within your heart, as I always have and I am by your side. 

     You are never empty despite what you now believe. Feel your pain my love, then release it to the Divine One. If you need me all you have to do is think of me and I will flood your heart with my love. Cry when you must but do not allow your loss to consume you for I have merely transitioned to another dimension. 

     Continue living and loving those still there because I am meant to live on in the love that you teach others. One day we shall be together again, until then; live, love, be joyful, feel free, and share your light within with others.