Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Stopping the Separation and Becoming One

Normally I am easy to please and I go with the flow. However, as I grow spiritually, I find that I feel strongly about some things that I never considered before. This journey of exploring my inner self has not been easy for me. I have struggled and fought my inner self. I have cried and have come near to a nervous break down. I have confused those closest to me that do not understand what I feel or believe. I have considered quitting my job. People that I work with have noticed changes in me and asked me if there is something wrong. Family has criticized me for writing asking what I could possibly have to say that is important. They think I am depressed, sudued and not my usual peppy self. This takes energy and time to reflect and turn in toward yourself and explore. Yes I do it at rest and in a meditative state but then living it as part of me fights against it is the hard part. Learning to use my voice to say what I feel has been the hardest part for I have been the doormat, the brunt of the jokes, and treated like I only have half a brain. I despise conflict and would rather mutely let things go by unchecked and unsaid.

Things are changing in me. In one sense I have opened a whole new can of worms. Do I regret that? No way! I am learning about my true self, what I truly believe in. It is difficult that I feel conflict in some areas such as my job but I will come to terms with that. To those who think I have nothing to say you are wrong! I have much to say whether you are open and receptive to hear it or not is your problem. I am tired of being the doormat and being treated like I am stupid.  I am book smart, my IQ is near 160, I don't laugh at the same things you do, I appreciate things that you do not. It is a choice on my part. The choice to be different you see has always been there for me. The only difference now is that I am willing to tell you it is my choice if need be.

I have an appreciation for love, for nature, for family, friends, children with their thirst for love, for animals and their acceptance and love for us. I am grateful for each day, each person I love and the moments I get to spend with them. What I will not do, is feed off of your negativity, your fear or your hate. I will not accept that you treat me less than the soul filled person I am. I will not ask you to change your beliefs and I will not belittle or condemn you for them. I am not better nor any less than you. I am not driven by money or status for that doesn't matter.  Money and status do not leave this world with us. What remains when we leave this world is the impressions and love we leave others with.

Our world needs healed. Our focus needs changed. We need to change from a society that is segregated and focused on differences into one that is united and one. I am not saying that we need to give up our beliefs and religions because we are all free to choose. What we need to move beyond is our views that we are all different and cannot get along. We all love, we all need love. We all have families and problems. We all feel pain and we all struggle.

What we should focus on is our similarities, our ability to love, to share, to learn, to grow and to help each other solve our problems. If we all looked exactly alike and acted exactly the same our world would be the most boring place in the entire universe. We should celebrate that we are all ONE, that we are a most enormous family.  And so today after sitting through a Black History program at school I said to my boss, "I am tired of how we celebrate this month and yet we do not celebrate Hispanic-American month, or Native American month, or Asian- American month, or European-American month. I feel it makes us segregated, separated because we do not do them all. What if we changed all that? What if we celebrated: WE ARE ALL ONE AND WE ARE ALL CONNECTED?" And my boss said, "That would be nice and that is interesting!"

So my goal is to bring a new course of study to my students that embraces the basics of love and respect for each other. And from there perhaps it will spread.

We should embrace each other and be tolerant. Be kind and graceful with one another because our days are to short to hate and fight. We must join together to give our children a better home and better future than ours. Better does not mean to be lazier or have more technology or money. These will pass just as we will. So be kind to yourself and to others, but especially yourself. You are all you really have.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Brrrrr! My feet are FREEZING!!!!!


I have not written much here as of late but know that I am writing. I have 90 pages written of a story that I must say I am compelled to write because I just have to get it out of me. It comes in little bits some days and on other days it pours from me. It is filled with darkness and light, love and fear, it is very graphic and descriptive and ties together two people for eternity. I hope to make it a series of books. Even though they are likely to be out of order. You know how we authors are... I even hope to get it published this summer.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Ohio Weather

Just to be funny about the weather of Ohio, here are some samples of what we get in a week.
THURSDAY (wind speeds)
FRIDAY (evening rush hour)
THE WEATHER!!!!!!!!!!!!

Meditation for Students

Boys and girls it is now our time to prepare for the day ahead. Please close any books that are open, put down your pencil and clear your desk. Sit up straight in your chair, fold your hands and close your eyes. Listen to my voice and use your mind to take you to your safe place.

You are now sitting quietly in your place, you are safe here and loved. There is nothing to fear. Please focus your thoughts now on you and what you can do to have a wonderful day of learning.  Know that your interactions with others should come from respect.  For what you think or say about them you think and say about yourself.  Be positive and pleasant.  When annoyed or angry take a deep breath and think about how you would feel in their place before you speak. Remember that we are all connected, what we do has a direct impact on others and on Earth, like a ripple effect when you toss a stone into water.

Today and every day you will hear what is being taught. You will focus your intentions on being successful as you learn, and as you are learning it, it will be retained in your mind and you will be able to remember it as needed.  All you will have to do is focus your thoughts and see it in your mind. Things are not always easy for us, but we can choose to persevere and look inside ourselves for guidance.

As you move through your day today, listen, observe and learn. May all of your interactions with others come from a place of kindness and respect.  When you are ready please count to ten and open your eyes prepared and focused for the day.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Trees Are Sanctuaries!

I was scrolling through my facebook the other day when I saw a picture of a forest. The forest is a special place for me where I feel peace and connection with nature, Earth and the great Oneness. I read the quote on it that was from Hermann Hesse and I instantly knew who he was to me. He is a guide I have met and he had told me his name was Hermann. All this time I had wondered if my guide was an ancestor. This revelation hit me like bricks! I looked him up to see what he had done with his life and was wonderfully pleased. It has also helped explain much of my connection to Barvaria.
Peace, Love and Light to All.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

The Snow Leopard Visit

Today, I found myself high upon a snow covered mountain in Asia looking over a lush green valley in the distance. I realized that in spite of the snow and the altitude I was not cold. I thought about my love for our wonderful home, Earth and how she is suffering at the hands of many because we have forgotten how to live as one with her. A beautiful snow leopard came and sat beside me on the rock that I was on and we talked for some time. He was truly upset for his habitat will slowly be disappearing at a more rapid rate. A real sadness radiated from the snow leopard as we spoke about the changes mother Earth is going through with the loss of glaciers and arctic ice. He said real changes need to be made by people to get our great mother back in balance and that we should use our collective love and energy for the good of our home.

We sat for some time watching the lush green valley changing before our very eyes. Trees being cut down, land being moved, buildings being built until the entire valley was filled with a city that produced smog and pollution in the river. The snow leopard looked at me with tears in his beautiful golden eyes and asked for our help.

When it was time for us to part told him I was grateful that he had come to me, shared my lesson and his message. I asked if he would visit with me again. He told me that he would always be with me and that when I looked into my house cat’s eyes he would be there within him. I am thankful that he and I are part of the great Oneness and that we are all connected. We simply have to choose to awaken and connect.