Monday, June 24, 2013

We Are All the Stardust of the Universe

This is something I have given considerable thought to since I first read it. It does not mean I do not believe in God. In fact to me it promotes the idea that we come from a most magnificent source! It is not wrong to believe that we are pure love and pure energy for everything we know tells us that we are and that we are connected to all other things.  Please read and then listen, form your own decision.

“Every atom in your body came from a star that exploded. And, the atoms in your left hand probably came from a different star than your right hand. It really is the most poetic thing I know about physics: You are all stardust. You couldn’t be here if stars hadn’t exploded, because the elements - the carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, iron, all the things that matter for evolution and for life - weren’t created at the beginning of time. They were created in the nuclear furnaces of stars, and the only way for them to get into your body is if those stars were kind enough to explode. So, forget Jesus. The stars died so that you could be here today.” ― Lawrence M. Krauss

 This statement may be truer than you think. For we are all connected with everyone and everything. I do not say we should forget Jesus because he was a great teacher on love and compassion. Love and compassion is what all living things need, want and deserve. Once we realize that what we do to others we do to ourselves, what we do to our planet we do to ourselves then and only then will we be on the path to unity and Oneness with all things including God.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Nebulae Painting

I saw a picture from the Magellanic Cloud galayebulae and these are the things that I saw within the nebulae. I of course interpreted to suit me but I hope you enjoy it. It is Acrylic on canvas board. Below I have a actual picture that inspired me.

The Tip of the Wing in the Magellanic Cloud Galaxy

Wing of Small Magellanic Cloud space wallpaper

The Small Magellanic Cloud, or SMC, is a small galaxy about 200,000 light-years way that orbits our own Milky Way spiral galaxy. The colors represent wavelengths of light across a broad spectrum. X-rays from NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory are shown in purple; visible-light from NASA's Hubble Space Telescope is colored red, green and blue; and infrared observations from NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope are also represented in red. This image was released April 3, 2013.
Credit: NASA/CXC/JPL-Caltech/STScI

Thursday, June 13, 2013

A voice

Today as I worked on a new story for a book I was typing along all engrossed in what I was doing when I heard a voice speaking into my ear. It was as if someone was standing beside me and speaking directly into my ear. I cannot for the life of me figure out what the voice said to me as I was very focused on my work. It seemed to be a male voice and it was different from the voice I "hear" when I speak to my guide. I hope I can eventually recall what was said.

I finally had to ask my guide what had been said and my guide told me that the voice had said, "I am always here and always with you."

It is good to know.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Past Lives

Please bear with me as I tell this for this comes from my heart and has a deep message that needs to be heard. My mother passed away in March in 2007 and my father passed away seven years earlier. My mother was diagnosed with diabetes when she was eleven. She was nearly seventy and had far outlived the expectations of her doctor and perhaps she was simply determined to prove them wrong.

She had often told me as I grew up the importance of trusting in God and allowing him to guide me for all I had to do was put my hand in his. I for some reason unknown to me could not fathom that at that time. All I know is that I needed to live my life and learn from my own experiences. She had also told me that I had an important part in the future after the turn of the century. Back then I thought she was talking about the end of the world and I was fearful, yet now I know she meant something far different. I was fearful as I gave birth to my first child thinking the world would end and wondering about the world I had brought her into. A couple years later I gave birth to my second child and my fears were not quite as strong as before.

My mother and I had a huge falling out about two years prior to her death and the details of that are not of importance here other than to say that when she was hospitalized I went driven by guilt and asked for forgiveness for a choice I felt she had forced upon me. I realize now that this must have been one of her lessons. In January of 2007  I called my mother to invite her to my oldest daughter's wedding in February and I confessed to her that my daughter was pregnant. My mother simply laughed a bit. She came to the wedding and we began the process of making amends. In March my mother was admitted to the hospital just a few weeks after the wedding.

I will never forget several things that happened in the hospital that week. I went to see her after work several times that week and spent my much of my weekend there. I remember having a conversation with her and she was telling me that I was not to argue or fight my sister because there was a do not resuscitate order. I would have never done that for I totally understand that one does not want to feel like a burden. In another conversation she was saying how tired she was and that she just wanted to be off the oxygen and I remember telling her if she needed to go that she could and I would understand.

The next day as I was driving to work my sister called and said they were taking her off the oxygen and moving her to a private room to allow her to pass away. I spent the day at the hospital and that evening my husband brought the girls down to visit. They visited briefly and then I went to spend some time with them. When they left my cousin had come for me and told me she was going to die. I went into the room and hugged her and told her I was there. Moments later it became crazy as she tried to get out of the bed. I had to help hold her and I will never forget her eyes because they had become the eyes of a wild animal as her soul left her body. After she passed and they laid her back I sat in the corner of the room rocking. I could no longer look at the body because it wasn't her she was gone.

Several months went by while I had strange dreams and  felt crazy almost like I was two different people. I ended up with this urge to give my daughter something. I crawled in to snuggle with her one night because she was living with us at the time. We talked and she fell asleep. I stayed for awhile and was drawn to put my hand on her belly over the baby because I had this overwhelming need to give her something. As I did this I whispered to her that I didn't know what this gift was but I HAD to give it to the baby. I was there at the birth of my granddaughter and it was the most amazing experience and a blessed gift from God. We bonded instantly.

I know now that this gift was my mother's soul. Since this time I have heard things, seen things and felt things that tell me this is so. I had a past life reading earlier this year where they told me of my past live but also indicated my future path telling me that I would usher the souls of the old ones into their bodies and help them adjust. As she told me this I began to cry for I had done this once before. I explained to her and she agreed that I had indeed done this and I would do it again. While these conversations are merely a few sentences the meaning and proof that they give are profound.

A couple weeks ago my granddaughter and I had a most interesting conversation. I had said to her when I was her age I was much taller than she is. She looked at me and said, "You were. I remember when you were a little girl."
I said, "You do? Do you remember my sister?"
She smiled, "I do." (She has only seen her twice when she was about two.)
"I remember when she was little too."
Then she said something that completely amazed me. "I miss great grandpa too."
My granddaughter has never met my dad because he died seven years before she was born.

I told my daughter about our conversation and she relayed three more conversations between her and my granddaughter. This first having to do with my half brother.

I met my half brother for the first time two years ago. I did not want to be alone so my husband was  here and my daughter came with my grandchildren. As my daughter explained to them why they were going to grandma and grandpa's my granddaughter said, "No one is supposed to know about him." My daughter thought it was weird and dismissed it as a child's words of misunderstanding. How my granddaughter knew no one was ever allowed to talk about him was beyond me at the time for my parent's families had kept him a secret as well as my dad's first marriage.

It seems my granddaughter saw a picture of my father and said to her mom, "I know him. Is that my great grandpa?"
My daughter who was pregnant at the time said, "Yes, that is grandma's daddy."
My granddaughter told her, "You have to name the baby after him."
They did with the feminine form of the name.

One day my granddaughter says, "Mommy I remember when you were a little girl."
My daughter said, "You do? How do you remember that?"
My granddaughter answered, "I was old then."

I know now that the soul of my mother is indeed my granddaughter for all signs have been given to me including messages from my higher self and Spirit. I am blessed, amazed and grateful for this experience and this chance to let you know: WE have ALL been here before many times through many experiences and lessons. There is nothing to fear from this and no reason to have doubts. We are here to learn and to share in our experiences love. Unconditional love and acceptance are ours to give and to share from the moment we arrive in an earthly body until we return home. This is what the human experience is about caring and sharing, feeling love and compassion for all things, for we are all connected and belong to the great Oneness that is and of God.

Many blessings
with love, peace and light!

Monday, June 3, 2013

What is My Purpose?

My purpose is to inspire, to teach  and to make life beautiful for others by words, actions and art. I am here to inspire others to be what they came here to be, to be their own true self, to have the resources and desire to explore their own true self. I am here to assist others in discovering what will make them truly happy and productive for the betterment of our planet. I am here to teach but not only school subjects but to teach love and respect for the Divine (God) and love for Mother Earth. These are my first loves. Love, respect for others and meditation as these are the things that are most important in all of our lives.

As I touch one life they will spread and touch more. We humans must change, we must raise our awareness and I chose this as my mission to assist in the transformation to a more peaceful and loving society. This change I teach will be peace and love for I cannot abide by violence and killing. These have happened during my past throughout time and they were unsuccessful in creating positive change. Throughout time I have chosen the path of change, peace, light and love.

Again I am here on this path to raise the vibration of this planet and people of this planet. It is an enormous task but I am not alone. I am responsible to do my share but I am never alone because that is my choice as was this path. I volunteered for this because I knew my love would be needed. My love comes from the Oneness of All, from God. We are all ONE. We are not countries and cities, or races of man, we are ONE. We began from the WORD, the word was LOVE it came directly from God. Words are vibrations in sound and Love is the highest vibration of all.

I shall leave you with GOD's words from another time and hopefully his words fill our hearts and
feed our actions as they spread across this beautiful Earth, "Love one Another." These words were shared with me by two beautiful souls Trinity and Faith. They gave me these words to share because they know and have always known, I AM LOVE. They too are Love.