My purpose is to inspire, to teach and to make life beautiful for others by words, actions and art. I am here to inspire others to be what they came here to be, to be their own true self, to have the resources and desire to explore their own true self. I am here to assist others in discovering what will make them truly happy and productive for the betterment of our planet. I am here to teach but not only school subjects but to teach love and respect for the Divine (God) and love for Mother Earth. These are my first loves. Love, respect for others and meditation as these are the things that are most important in all of our lives.
As I touch one life they will spread and touch more. We humans must change, we must raise our awareness and I chose this as my mission to assist in the transformation to a more peaceful and loving society. This change I teach will be peace and love for I cannot abide by violence and killing. These have happened during my past throughout time and they were unsuccessful in creating positive change. Throughout time I have chosen the path of change, peace, light and love.
Again I am here on this path to raise the vibration of this planet and people of this planet. It is an enormous task but I am not alone. I am responsible to do my share but I am never alone because that is my choice as was this path. I volunteered for this because I knew my love would be needed. My love comes from the Oneness of All, from God. We are all ONE. We are not countries and cities, or races of man, we are ONE. We began from the WORD, the word was LOVE it came directly from God. Words are vibrations in sound and Love is the highest vibration of all.
I shall leave you with GOD's words from another time and hopefully his words fill our hearts and
feed our actions as they spread across this beautiful Earth, "Love one Another." These words were shared with me by two beautiful souls Trinity and Faith. They gave me these words to share because they know and have always known, I AM LOVE. They too are Love.
Beautiful, Beautiful, Beautiful!