Today as I was reviewing what I was writing I noticed my phone lit up for no apparent reason. I picked it up and looked at it. There was no message and no call so I looked at the time and the numbers were 12:34. I was struck by the fact that the numbers were 1234 and I wondered what that meant. I pondered why it had lit up and wondered if it was because I had been reading about my mom and my sister. The phone light went out and I hit the home button again and the time was 12:48. I knew there was no way that I had lost 14 minutes.
I talked immediately to a friend and was told it was my mom and my sister was with her, that my mom was with me and had reached out and touched my phone to let me know she was there. She then told me to get off the phone and talk to my mom because I would hear her. I thanked her for her support.
I did just that and I could feel the love and warmth wrapping all around me and could hear my mother speak when I talked to her. I cried and cried and I still tear up thinking about it. I felt so loved and so supported by my mom. I thanked my mom for being with me.
So in Angel numbers 1234 is:
"1 - Stay positive. Everything you are thinking about is coming true so be sure you think only about what you desire. Give your fears to God and the angels.
2 - Everything is fine and will continue to be so. Keep believing, especially since feelings of hope lead to more positive outcomes. The angels can buoy your faith if you'll ask for their help.
3 - The ascended masters are helping you -- usually this means and ascended master that you feel close to for example, Jesus, Quan Yin, a saint, or some other religious/ spiritual figure.
4 - The angels are with you. They send you the number 4 to reassure you that they've heard your prayers and are helping you.
In a different way with a similar meaning:
12 - Keep your thoughts positive about the future, as what you are thinking influences your future. This is a message to keep your faith and hope strong, because these are strong determining factors now.
34 - Your prayers are heard and answered by the angels and ascended masters, who are with you right now."
From Doreen Virtue's
Angel Numbers 101
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