Thursday, December 15, 2016

The Guardian


The Guardian

     She was three months pregnant, starving and physically exhausted with the battle of living a life that was day after day an uphill battle to keep her head above water. The credit cards bills that she had used to simply get by were enormous and she had continually robbed Peter to pay Paul. She could not figure a way out, she had no true friends to help her, no parents to bail her out and no spouse or boyfriend for moral support. To top it all off her druggie boyfriend of the past five months took all of her remaining cash and he ditched her by simply disappearing off the face of the planet. She had been evicted from her rented room because she could not pay the upcoming rent and had been living in the streets for weeks. She had tried begging for money but people avoided her in her bedraggled state. She could not bring herself to prostitute out her body in fact, she thought she’d rather die first than to degrade herself in such a manner. Now in the months to come, she would still be in the same predicament with an added person to take care of and be responsible for. Her last job had fizzled out when the business had gone under. Finding a decent job was impossible because of her lack of employment skills and no one was hiring since times were tough for everyone in this recession.

    She sat on the curb and began crying in abject despair her inner light was at its absolute dimmest. People passed her on the sidewalk, not a one of them seemed the slightest bit concerned why a nineteen year old girl would be sitting on the curb crying her eyes out as dirty water ran over her feet from the flooded streets into the sewer. She didn’t even care as she was contemplating killing herself. She pulled a box cutter knife from her back pack which contained the last of her earthly possessions and placed the point against her skin. How could she raise another human being when she wasn’t even capable of taking care of herself and she wasn’t even worthy of living herself? No one would even notice if she bled to death there on the sidewalk! She drew the knife across the flesh of wrist pressing firmly with the intent to slice open her vein. Nothing happened. The knife was so dull that it was completely useless! She could not even successfully kill herself, so she flung the knife out into the street. As she took the final steps toward the bottom of her despair she made up her mind to step out into the street in front of a car or a bus. She attempted to stand wobbling unsteadily on her feet as a wave of dizziness engulfed her. As she considered her new found focus to step in front of the next vehicle she stared down the empty street for the right opportunity to present itself to her. As soon as the light changed she would step into the front of the garbage truck that was first in line at the light. It was perfect because she was the trash that needed taken out.

     Suddenly a hand grasp her arm gently and she dropped her gaze to the ground while the owner of the hand guided her away from the street. When she raised her eyes to see who had taken her hand and guided her away from the street all she saw at first was the purest pillar of light in the place of a human being. The light made her feel safe and loved. She blinked and there before her was a bent old man with gray hair smiling at her. The old man offered to buy her breakfast and walked with her to a nearby diner. As they ate the man asked her to tell why she had been so close to taking her life. The girl explained her predicament to him as he listened carefully allowing her to feel her grief and pain while she cried. When the girl finished the old man smiled and told the girl that God had sent the girl to help him in his time of need. She was puzzled so he explained to the girl his current predicament of being alone and diagnosed with cancer. He asked the young girl to live with him if she would help with things as he grew weaker. The young girl agreed and thought it would only be a temporary fix to her problem, but at least she could carry her baby to term and give the child away for adoption so that she would not be responsible for taking another person’s life. She spent nearly a year with the man caring for him in his modest home. As time went by her despair left her and she became the young woman she was meant to be. In the months to come peace filled her heart as she focused on his care, administering his medications, fixing his meals and cleaning his house. She had her baby there during that year and the old man loved holding and watching the baby girl. She cared for the old man as he grew weaker doing all she could to make his last days on Earth those of peace and joy. The baby brought joy to his eyes every time he looked upon the child and the young woman grew to love the old man as if he had been her own father.

      One night just weeks before her year’s anniversary of being saved from her despair, the old man passed away. The young woman cried with the grief of losing a loved one. She contacted his lawyer as he had left her a note telling her that his lawyer would take care of all the funeral arrangements. She decided to stay at the house through the funeral knowing afterwards she would be in the streets. No one attended the funeral except the girl, her baby, a priest and a lawyer. After the funeral the lawyer came to her and told her she needed to hear what the man’s will said. She went with the lawyer to his office and he read the old man’s will aloud to her. She was shocked as the old man had left her the house and millions of dollars. It was more than enough money for her to live comfortably for the rest of her life, so much more that she decided to open a shelter for young people who were in a predicament similar to the one she had once been in. The shelter offered rooms, jobs, food and schooling to give the people skills to become guardians to others. The torch had been passed from one guardian to another. The girl had turned into a young woman that walked the streets with her angel child looking for other great beings of light that knew not what they were. Whenever she found them, her own light shone its brightest.

Monday, December 5, 2016

Have We Forgotten?


     How is it we do not realize our own magnificence? How is it that we forget that we are children of God? How do we forget that each child we give birth to is a child of God? Perhaps that is the one thing Mary was sure of when she gave birth to Jesus. She looked into the eyes of her child and felt wonderment and love. Wonderment at the life she had created, that the beautiful baby she held had come from her own body. She felt love, knowing that she was so intimately connected to this perfect innocent being, a love so strong it was consuming and protective. Her love was so strong that she encouraged his growth and expansion and he chose to allow that growth. Each child that has ever been born, or is going to be born is a child of God. It is the circumstances the child is born into and the choices made by the parent that determine the course of the child’s growth and expansion.

     Each one of us has unlimited potential to be the best that we can be. Each one of us has the potential to love, to heal, to expand our consciousness. It is a sad choice when we do not love our fellow humans, our planet and the other beings that live upon it. Try looking into the eyes of another human for longer than a mere glance and you will see that you are connected. We are connected in ways we cannot even fathom. We are here to grow, expand our love, to share our love, and to teach others to love.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

White Noise (from 2016)

White Noise (from 2016) 

Early this morning my husband had gotten up without me knowing. Some mornings I feel him get up even though I almost never hear his alarm clock because I wear ear plugs to sleep. I do that because he is one loud snorer and because every little exterior noise wakes me up. I have slept this way for years. When I go sleep I usually hear my ears constantly ringing in high pitched tones and this is something, while annoying I have become accustomed to it. The quieter it is the more noticeable it becomes and sometimes music accompanies it. So let me get back on track. Today, when I woke up and I decided to just lie there since it was 5 AM and I was warm and comfortable. I recall my husband opening the door to let the dog out of the bedroom then I rolled over. There had been a loud white noise sound in my head (that was louder than the ringing sounds) which I had noticed but I had not assigned any significance to it. Suddenly the white noise just shut off like a switch had been flipped. It was so noticeable I thought the power had gone off to the house so I got up.

This is not the only time that has happened nor was it the only sound I have heard because other sounds go off in my head. Often I hear what sounds like banging, explosions, or bursts in my head as I first lie in bed trying to fall asleep. Of course that would wake me up and worry me. I worried about these for some time thinking I was having some health problem only to find out it is quite common. Doctors will tell you it is an auditory hallucination, but then of course you will think you are crazy. You are not crazy! Rather than it being a health problem or a case for being looney it is more like your brain shutting down for you to go to sleep. In fact it is like several sections of your brain shutting down at the same time.

There are the voices I hear. This morning, after my white noise turned off, a voice asked me if I was listening. I of course replied “Yes, I am”, silently. The voice said, “I love you.” I replied, “I love you,” back and that was it, end of transmission. The voices usually happens when I am alone, often still in bed, and the house is quiet. I started listening to these voices a few years ago because they were very direct with what they wanted. Most times it was a directive on what to draw but sometimes it was conversations that they would have with me. They would talk and of course I would silently reply. Sometimes they would show me pictures to help their meaning.

Some people might think I am crazy but I prefer to know that I am in tune with my higher self, always seeking to do what is needing to be done for the highest good.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

There is Only One Way to Fail

Today's message:

In life there are not any failures unless you do not love. Life is an experience that is chosen by us. We think we make mistakes but they are our lessons. We are not talking about calculation errors in math or forgetting to put the laundry soap in the washing machine. We are talking about mistakes involving the outcome of our lives and the lives of others. Any way we look at it, there really are no mistakes. We are given free will, the will to choose what we do, and the outcomes are our lessons no matter how large or small we believe the mistake to be or whether we view our decisions as good or bad, it was our choice to learn that lesson whatever it may be. If you never feel love and compassion for your fellow humans, then and only then have you failed. Love without fear of the outcome! Love with all that you are! Most importantly, love God and yourself, and all will fall into place.

“God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them. This is how love is made complete among us so that we will have confidence on the Day of Judgment: In this world we are like Jesus. There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.” ~ 1 John 4: 16-18

“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” ~ Matthew 22:37-39

Friday, June 17, 2016

What is My Truth?

What is My Truth?

You may ask as I have asked, what is my truth?
My truth is Love, for nothing less will do.
I am Love. Love I Am.
I Am that I Am.

I choose to love, I will Love.
 I Love myself, I Love everything.
I am worthy of Love,
Both to give Love and to receive Love.

I am strong enough to Love,
Powerful enough to Love freely.
Calm because Love is quiet,
Peaceful because I do Love.

Joyful because I Love,
All that I love is, is what I Love.
Hopeful that there is more to love.
Loving All That Is, Loving unconditionally.

Divine Love, Healing Love,
Guiding love, Giving Love,
Receiving Love, Loving to Love,
Feeling the Oneness of love,

I am Love.
Love I am.
I Am that I Am. 

~Kelly Jeter 2016

Photos: chrome://global/skin/media/imagedoc-darknoise.png

Thursday, June 9, 2016

The Calf Dream


The Calf Dream


This morning I awoke from a strange dream. It began with myself and many people standing outside and it seemed we were at my grandma and grandpa's house. Everyone was clustered up together but me and they were all pointing across the very large yard at something up by the fence and I heard someone say, "Look a wolf!" I look in the direction they are pointing and I see a wolf walking up the hill by the fence, then I count eight more! I run up the hill in the front yard, to go inside because I know I have to let everyone inside. I go through th house and open the back door and there is a baby calf about ten feet from the door in the yard. I call to the baby calf and beg for it to come inside. It looks from me to the wolves and back to me. I say, "Please baby calf come inside or the wolves will kill you." The baby calf hesitates but comes in the door. Once inside the baby calf tells me he must go back outside or the wolves will kill all the people. I ask him not to but he says he must go back out. The baby calf goes back out and all the people pour into the door as I hold it open. I am desperately hoping they hurry so I can scare off the wolves. After all the people are inside I look out and the baby calf is lying dead in the yard. There is no blood or gore but I know the wolves have killed the calf. I am so sad until I see a form of a calf rising up out of the calf's body, sprouting wings and flying away. That was the end of the dream but I was sure it had a meaning. I asked what it meant after it was over but it was the one thing I could not remember. I had a feeling that the baby calf was a very significant person but after I woke up I couldn't pinpoint who.


I asked friends that are intuitive and psychic and they told me the baby cow was representative of Jesus and that the setting was at my grandma's because that was where I had always felt free to be me.

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Her Inner Space

      The forest path was narrow and worn. The canopy was thick giving an intense greenish cast to the ground below. Ferns, mosses and other small plants grew among the trees and along the path. She traveled the path often and always veered off to the right before climbing the set of steps. At the veer in the path there was always a large black bear nearby. This bear always stopped to watch her but never tried to harm her. The big thick stone block steps were gray limestone and slightly worn. There were seven steps that led up to a small stone landing with a door. On either side of the door was the forest, looking the same as one would expect if the door wasn’t even there. The heavy door was with a deep weathered charcoal gray color and looked like it belonged in an ancient stone castle. The door handle was a rusty metal latch and in spite of the aged condition of the door it always swung open and closed easily for her.

      Once inside the door she would continue on the path that ran uphill quite a distance with a gentle slope. The trees seemed to allow more light through their leaves just inside the door. There was a river just to her left that produced gentle bubbling sounds as it worked its way downhill. As she neared the top of the hill the forest thinned more and opened up to a beautiful meadow. Her face felt warmed by the kiss of sunshine. Each time she arrived she gazed up at the magnificent blue sky that was blessed with a dabbling of cottony white clouds. Sunlight always shone down upon the meadow brightly, however it was never too hot there. The river had spread out wider and appeared to not be moving at all. The surface of the water mirrored the trees and purple mountains in the distance on the other side like a sheet of glass. Colorful ducks swam lazily near the bank cutting v-shaped wakes that glittered like sparkly diamonds in the serene waters. 

     She would watch the ever present ducks for a while before turning toward the meadow that was full of cheery flowers displaying a wide variety of yellows, oranges, pinks, whites, purples and blues. She loved the explosion of colors impressed by how vibrant her favorite flowers seemed on this side of the door. She admired them and smelled them but she never picked them because she couldn’t bear to hurt them. She traveled down a narrow dirt path to a very large gnarly oak tree. Some days she would be greeted by animals as she walked the path. Often those were animals that had been near and dear to her heart. Sometimes they were a variety of wild animals that greeted her, but they never scared her and they always spoke so that she could understand them. Some told her amazing tales or discussed things that troubled them about the human race and the harm they were causing to the Earth.

     In the distance beyond the great oak tree there was more forest, but this time the pine forest, covering the foothills and mountains in the distance. She would finally arrive at the giant tree that provided a cool green shade during the heat of the day. Here under the oak’s umbrella she would sit and wait patiently with her question on her mind for those who would come. Some days loved ones would visit her talking with her, offering her advice and often she cried because she missed them so. On other days, people that she had no recollection of knowing before coming here, would visit with her. They would answer her question and explain to her things she did not understand. They helped her to freely open her heart to her truth, encouraged her to speak her truth as they advised her. These strangers were always kind, gentle and calming. Once in a while she would just sit under the tree and soak up everything that she could see, hear, smell and feel.

      Some of her visits were longer than others, but inevitably she would always have to go back through the door. At the bottom of the stairs she always saw the bear waiting, guarding her path and she thanked him. Her cheeks would often be damp with tears as she left, not because she was sad but rather her heart was filled with love and her mind with new information. She always felt stronger and more empowered after being on the other side of the door.