Monday, December 5, 2016

Have We Forgotten?


     How is it we do not realize our own magnificence? How is it that we forget that we are children of God? How do we forget that each child we give birth to is a child of God? Perhaps that is the one thing Mary was sure of when she gave birth to Jesus. She looked into the eyes of her child and felt wonderment and love. Wonderment at the life she had created, that the beautiful baby she held had come from her own body. She felt love, knowing that she was so intimately connected to this perfect innocent being, a love so strong it was consuming and protective. Her love was so strong that she encouraged his growth and expansion and he chose to allow that growth. Each child that has ever been born, or is going to be born is a child of God. It is the circumstances the child is born into and the choices made by the parent that determine the course of the child’s growth and expansion.

     Each one of us has unlimited potential to be the best that we can be. Each one of us has the potential to love, to heal, to expand our consciousness. It is a sad choice when we do not love our fellow humans, our planet and the other beings that live upon it. Try looking into the eyes of another human for longer than a mere glance and you will see that you are connected. We are connected in ways we cannot even fathom. We are here to grow, expand our love, to share our love, and to teach others to love.

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