Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Questioning Your Beliefs

I read a book that made me ask myself questions. Questions about what I believe in because my beliefs are different. Then I asked myself, what is wrong with my beliefs? In the end I could find nothing wrong for the answer is; I believe in Love.

I believe in God, Jesus, Angels, the Oneness of the universe, in Souls, in Love, in Peace, in the sanctity of life, in the belief that we are all equal and as One, in family, in learning from our mistakes, in energy and vibration, in the moment of now, in the power and beauty of nature and the interconnectedness of all things great and small. So I asked myself what do I believe that is wrong? I came up with nothing. Nothing I believe is wrong. It is my reality, it is my choice, I create it by my asking, my thought and my perspective. My choices are sound and are for my highest good. There is nothing more I can say on this matter other than I Am and I live with abundance and peaceful blessings all around me.

I say it is all a matter of perspective and that all too often people grow up into bitter resentful adults wrapping themselves in drama and fear. People are caught up in the rat race of obtaining things when the best of things are those that they do not have to chase after. People inflict their pain onto one another and cause hurt. Parents pass pain onto their children instead of their joy and their legacy of Love. May the human race become more mindful of their actions and how they treat one another. Change your perspective, think positive, be positive, love! Choose Happiness!

It is simple: "Love one another as I have loved you."  "Treat others as you wish to be treated", "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.", "Do what you will but harm none." This is the Universal Rule.

I say, ask yourself:
What do I believe? What is really important? What are my blessings? Do I Love? What do I really want?

May you live in the Light with Peace and Love in your heart.

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