Tuesday, October 22, 2013

That Which is Truly Amazing

Every day there are miracles, small miracles and enormous miracles. The fact that all the star dust and elements that are combined to make our human bodies is a miracle. That we awake each morning and live another day is a miracle for our bodies while complex, amazing in their workings are just bodies and can easily left behind. Every drop of rain that falls is a miracle. Sure scientists have studied the water cycle and have found the components of water but really what created all that? Every breathe we take, every emotion we feel and every thing that we see are miracles. We are surrounded by miracles, hundreds of them each day, some complex and some simple. All we have to do is become aware of them!

There is a Divine force in our universe that is far greater than we imagine, a force, an energy and a light so powerful that holds everything together, creates everything and fills our bodies with that spark we call a  soul. We are souls attached to a mere body created specifically as a vessel to carry our soul while we experience being human and learning lessons. We are all part of the Divine, we are all loved by the Divine, each and every one of us.

It is a miracle that we are not our bodies but that we are souls. We were created by a loving powerful God that wanted us to have and experience whatever we wanted. You say but why would some people chose this or that? The offered their services to you and came for their own lessons. Our Divine lies within our own heart, that is the place of the soul. It does not matter who your Divine is. When the heart grows and expands and love is shared with our fellow humans that is when the Divine is shining through us. The kingdom of God resides within our own hearts it is pure there and when we go within we find the strength and power that we need to change ourselves. Life can be made better by changing our perspective and outlook. We cannot change others, only ourselves and how we see others. Our brains are mere computers used to run our bodies and download information from the world around us. Our brains come up with the chatter of ego that puts us down and tells us we are not good enough. Reality is that we are all good enough, we are all valuable and we all have a Divine purpose. There is a place in each of us where the divine resides waiting for us to awaken to our true purpose... Loving  and helping one another while on this world, working for the highest good for ourselves and others.

May your day be filled with love, miracles, peace and many blessings!

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