Runs-Like-A-Deer gently woke Janie up early one morning while it was still very dark outside. He had sneaked in to the rectangular hut the embers were glowing from the fire. He had stirred the embers and small flames were beginning to flicker as he put on new wood. He put his finger over his lips to silence her before she spoke and motioned her to follow him. she crawled out from under her furs wondering why he was there so early. She grabbed her moccasins, tip-toed past her adoptive mother and sisters and followed him from her home.
He led her away from the village using a large stick wrapped in hide and soaked in bear-fat for a torch. Janie was silent as they walked and wondered what Runs-Like-A-Deer was up to. He led her through the forest on a narrow uphill path for miles as the sky slowly began to lighten. Finally the thick forest gave way to open rocky ground and he led her to the edge of the rocks that overlooked a small river. It was the same small river that flowed past their village she could see far below to her right in the distance. Runs-Like-A-Deer sat on a large flat topped rock and patted the ground for her to sit beside him still saying nothing. Janie sat down right next to him with a few inches between them curious as to the purpose of their adventure. She wondered how angry Grey Dove would be when she woke up that she wasn't there to help with her little sisters and the chores . Nothing was said for a long time and she listened to the sounds of the river burbling far below them and the birds singing as she stared out across the open space toward the East.
Finally Runs-Like-A-Deer turned towards Janie just as the sun broke the horizon sending out shafts of warm golden light across the sky and landscape. As the sun's golden light hit Janie's face a small humming bird flew up to Janie and hovered for a moment looking at her before flying away. Then Runs-Like-A-Deer spoke softly asking Janie to be his wife. Janie smiled knowing that the hummingbird had been a good sign and knowing it was time to let go of her past hurts and be free. She turned to him nodding her acceptance before kissing his lips softly.
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