Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Looking Inward

Why look inward?

Discover the real you, your connection to your soul. We are all pure love, peace and pure light! We chose to be here and chose our paths and our soul is so much more than we can imagine, connected to our higher self (soul) by a silvery silk-like thread. It is a thread that allows communication with our higher soul.  Are we always connect to our higher soul? Yes, we are, but we do not always choose to do what our soul guides us with because we have free will and may choose to not listen. Not listening makes our journey more difficult until we choose to listen and walk the path for our highest good. This thread that links us to our higher soul does not  break from this body until we pass on. Why do I say pass on and not die? Our soul does not die. Passing on is what happens to us when our body expires. Our soul doesn't die it simply passes on to the next dimension we are ready for or the next experience we choose. We are all creative intelligence and can create what we want and what we think. The more positive our thoughts the better our life will seem to us. It is as simple as what my mother used to say, "You can create your own heaven or your own hell right here on Earth." If we ask we will receive what we ask for. God is the universe and supplies us with all we need. You ask what about the needy, broken, and poor and I say give. Even if it seems that they don't ask. Even if it seems they choose to suffer, give. That is a lesson. If we give then they receive and the more people that share and give then the more balanced the world becomes. We are divine beings and if we look inside and choose to live that then we share our divine love.

We are not this earthly body, but a powerful being of light and love with a sliver of a  connection to this body. Many of us are waiting to wake up and discover our true potential. We can change anything we want to change, create peace, defeat fear and hunger. We are not what people say to us, we are not what we fear, we are not the rules and restrictions we have imposed on us by our families and society. We are who we choose to be here on Earth plane and yet our souls are pure love. We have selected our lessons, our goals and made a plan that is intertwined within other plans. Everything is a part of a larger picture, from the electrons and protons of our atoms, to our matter, to our cells, to our bodies, to our planet, to our solar system, to our galaxy to our universe and finally to God. We are All divine beings, we are All part of God and God is part of Us. And while God may have different names in each belief system there is One God. We are ONE with GOD.

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