Friday, August 2, 2013

The Water Molecule Story: How We Are All Interconnected. Part one

When the molecule of water first became aware he was residing in the body belonging to a beautiful soul. The water molecule could not see the body of the souls but knew he was one with her. As she held her child she had given birth to for the first time and thanked God for her, the water molecule was released from her tear duct and streamed with many other molecules down her cheek falling onto her baby's blanket. He still felt safe because he was surrounded by many other molecules and knew there was safety in numbers. The water molecule was confused at first for he had been with her body many years before he worked his way into her tear duct. In fact he had forgotten that at one time he had been in a handful of stream water she had drank as a child.

He became scared when one by one the other molecules around him began disappearing into thin air. He wondered where they went and shook with his fear. Suddenly he was free, free of his fear and floating in the air. He saw the other water molecules floating freely in the air zipping around joyously. So intense was their joy that he forgot his fear and joined them. He watched the woman hold her baby and felt the love she had for the small being she held and it made him happy. The air unit came on at the hospital and he watched the woman and baby get smaller and smaller as he got further away. He and many other molecules went through the ductwork and were released outside into the bright sunlight.

The water molecule hovered over the grass near the hospital and could see other molecules joining him. The sun was hot and drew him upward with millions of other water molecules. As they rose higher and higher the began to cool and so they began to collect together until they became a cloud. At first the cloud was light and airy and the water molecule could see the earth below and marveled at all the greens of the plants. More and more water molecules joined him in the cloud and the cloud became large, dark, heavy and way too crowded. Thunder rumbled and lightning flashed. The hot air mass that the cloud was in, had met with a cooler air mass and water molecules joined together to fall as rain drops. He joined with many other molecules and fell with them when it was their turn.

As they plummeted to Earth he wondered if it would be painful when he hit. Upon impact he had no pain and simply slid into the liquid that was the puddle in a field to be surrounded by his friends realizing that his fear had been unwarranted. Other molecules were in the puddle with the water molecules making the water appear muddy and opaque. Slowly he felt the pull of gravity sucking him down into the soil with many other water molecules. He stayed in the dark soil for a short while.

He noticed something huge and white moving towards him and watched as the tube sucked up other water molecules around him. They rose up a long tube and were fed into the leaves of a plant. He found a place to hid and watched his friends one by one serve their purpose. Some of his friends became partners with chlorophyll and made food for the plant, others were given of as part of transpiration at night. He stayed in the plant for a growing season and soon became a part of a caterpillar as it munched on the plant's leaves. Inside the caterpillar he joined other water molecules from the leaf and they were distributed throughout the caterpillar's body. His group of molecules went into the caterpillar's circulatory system where they remained until the caterpillar morphed into a butterfly.

The butterfly floated from flower to flower sucking up nectar. Finally it was time for her to lay eggs and she found a spot to release the eggs onto a suitable safe plant.

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